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Magic in LIMITLESS is powerful and hard to wield properly and requires a roll like any other combat check.

Magic Checks

To use Magic, describe what you want to happen and your GM will determine the Check. Depending on the game world, this could be an Intelligence check for tome or memorization based magic, Charisma for inner-force magic, or perhaps Wisdom for faith based magic.

1Unintended success


Success means the Magic happens as the caster intended, at the GM's discretion.

Unintended Success

An unintended successes should do what the magic user wanted but in an unexpected way, perhaps lasting only one Round instead of sustaining, doing limited Damage or having some other unexpected result.


A Mishap means the magic went ary and does something harmful or unintentional. The nature of the mishap should be related to the action that was attempted, with more dangerous magic having more serious or even lethal consequences. For example, if the caster attempted to create light, perhaps they accidentally blind themselves for some period of time. If the caster attempted something like teleporting to another location, perhaps they find themselves in a mysterious far away land instead.

Magic Difficulty

The GM may set a difficulty for a magic check. This will be based on the game world and other situations at the GM's discretion.

0Common magic. Trivial consequences.
1-3Uncommon magic. Painful consequences.
4-6Rare magic. Serious consequences.
7+Dangerous magic. Lethal consequences.