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Core Mechanic

Everything a player might possibly attempt that could result in failure is resolved with a Check. Checks are made by rolling 2d20 and comparing it to the Stat identified by the GM. Each die that rolled below the relevant Stat is counted as a Success.

1Partial Success

The outcome of a Partial Success is determined by the GM based on the action and circumstances. In Combat for example, this could mean that you hit but the defender can use their shield, or perhaps you hit but are also struck. Ultimately, the GM will make a decision that keeps things moving and fun.

Non Player Character's (NPC's) never make Checks. Instead, the GM will set the scene and ask you to respond to it. You can choose to respond to the same situation in different ways depending on how you want to play your character, and your decision will determine the Check you make and it's difficulty. For example, when faced with an arrow trap you could: leap out of the way (Agility), raise your shield and brace for the hit (Endurance), swipe the arrow out of the air with your sword (Dexterity), and so on. See the Character Creation section for more information about Stats like Agility, Endurance and Dexterity.


A Check's Intensity is the highest number rolled in a Check. For example if a player rolled a 12 and a 4, the intensity of that check would be 12. Intensity can be used for various things, like resolving Partial Successes in Combat or determining Initiative.


A Check's Difficulty is the lowest number a dice can roll and be counted as a Success. This means the dice in your pool only Succeed if they are below your Stat and above the Difficulty. This allows the DM to account for situations like cover, darkness, terrain, skilled enemies etc. For example a young squire facing an experienced swordsman might make their Combat checks with a difficulty of 5.


Your GM may determine that a Check is impossible and no roll can be made.


Your Burden represents the total cumulative Difficulties you experience due to factors like sickness, injury, or carrying excessive gear. This Difficulty affects all your Checks.


If an action is certain and there's no risk or time pressure, the GM shouldn’t call for a Check.